Fiction and short stories

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Everyone But Faiza

Media reports erupt when Fajza is discovered with gunshot wounds, unconscious and abandoned next to one of Toronto's most violent high schools. As she lays in a hospital bed, those closest to her must grapple with the hand each of them played in her uncertain future. Through their narratives, an image of Fajza emerges; the wife of a prominent businessman, a child of Maltese immigrants, a woman struggling to find her identity, a jealous sister.  

As we hear from everyone but Fajza herself, we are immersed in a captivating tale of family, migrant life and the tensions between traditional and progressive values. 

Are we more than a collection of people's impressions? 

Who is at fault when everyone is to blame? 

Will Fajza survive to tell her own story?  

A page-turning story of resilience and loss, Everyone but Fajza beautifully captures the complexity of the migrant experience in Canada.

Rave Reviews for Everyone But Fajza

“Everyone but Fajza by John Portelli is a deft and devastating examination of how the drive to cultivate and preserve our identities can nullify the identities and experiences of others. This is a tale that's as much about what's not said and whose voices are not heard. Portelli bravely revels in the significance of negative space to create a haunting and compulsively readable book. Highly recommend!”

Hollay Ghadery, author of Fuse (Toronto: Guernica, 2021).

Times of Malta

The Malta Independant



Malta Today


More novels and short stories from John

  • Kulħadd Barra Fajża

    Fajża. Ir-rebbieħa telliefa. Il-preżenti assenti. Il-mimmi ta’ kull għajnejn li qatt rawha. X’sar minnha? Sensiela ta’ koinċidenzi, jew kollox ippjanat?

    Xogħol soċjopolitiċizzat li jittrasmetti t-tensjoni u l-ħtija minn paġna għal paġna u minn karattru għal ieħor, filwaqt li jpoġġi l-filosofija f’forma narrattiva distintiva li żżid il-loġika taċ-ċarezza u l-ambigwità fl-istess waqt.

    Rakkont li jipprovoka s-sensi kollha, b’dak kollu li jinvolvi l-moħħ miftuħ u l-ġenerożità ta’ ħsieb.

    Walid Nabhan

  • Everyday Encounters

    Portelli has reinvented the genre of the short story. One has to move on, with one’s imaginary hopping from one stance to another, from rancour to joy, resentment to kindness, holiness to blasphemy. Some moments of our lives are the most memorable ones, and are more significant than hours or maybe years… Moments of happiness, loss, embarrassment, moments of hope. Portelli writes about these memorable moments. Portelli’s swift, conceptually clear and sharp short stories provide us with ordinary yet complex social encounters… sublime encounters that transfer authentic realities into realistic narratives.

    Audio interview with John about Everyday Encounters

  • L-ittra ta’ Osama u stejjer oħra

    Dawn l-istejjer pikużi ta’ Portelli jirrakkontaw, kultant bl-akbar notorjetà, id-dupliċità tal-valuri eterni tal-bniedem fis-soċjetà kontemporanja, irrispettivament minn fejn qed isseħħ u min huma l-protagonisti tal-ġrajja. Portelli mhux qed jissuġġerixxi alternattivi ġodda għall-ħajja, iżda jisfida l-kontemporanjetà tal-valuri tagħha permezz ta’ versatilità narrattiva mill-aktar fittiexa.

    Walid Nabhan

  • Inkontri Ta’ Kuljum – Skizzi

    L-iskizzi huma msawra fuq inkontri eżistenzjali li niltaqgħu magħhom kuljum. F’dawn l-iskizzi l-karattri jsibu ruħhom f’dilemmi mhux maħlula. Dawn l-iskizzi jagħtu ħjiel tal-kumplessità normali u straordinarja fl-istess ħin tal-inkontri fil-ħajja.